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Softening the impact of grief in universities

We’re led by students and grads who have been through loss

We soften the impact of bereavement in universities by creating a range of avenues for support and education – from online resources and staff training to creative projects and events.

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What we need from relationships can change with grief

Relationships are tricky when we’re grieving. At a time when we most need support, we may feel misunderstood and disconnected from the people around us.

2nd July, 2024 · 3 minutes read

The imprint of grief and impact of alternative therapies

Amber Jarman-Crainey is a Movement Director and Immersive Producer. Here she talks about her experience of grief, and her latest show ‘B O U N D’ that explores nine stories of loss through movement, music and memories.

4th June, 2024 · 4 minutes read

Coping with suicide loss as a student

Losing someone to suicide can bring up a whole array of difficult feelings that can be overwhelming to deal with all at once, especially on your own, and while you’re also balancing the pressure of university life.

14th December, 2023 · 3 minutes read

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